St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral


Services are streaming live.
See the week's schedule below for links

Sunday, March 2: Forgiveness Sunday. Exile of Adam and Eve from Paradise.

Into this world we're thrown / Like a dog without a bone... (The Doors, Rider on the Storm)

The journey out of exile requires a reintegration of the spiritual and material, a recovery of the sacramental vision where every aspect of creation is seen as imbued with divine significance. (Philip Sherrard, Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition)

Adam, arise! Let us return to Eden, for the gate is opened by Christ, the Tree of Life now blossoms for all. (Kontakion on the Expulsion of Adam)

We experience our world, and our selves in this world, as one that is fragmented and doomed.

The biblical story of The Fall explains how the original harmony and coherence of the world, and of the original relationship between God, humankind, and the world in Paradise, has been broken through sin. We find ourselves in this fallen world, thrown into the devastation, sojourners in a strange land, in exile from our true home, the homelend of our hearts' desire, from Paradise, from the Kingdom of God.

The path to the reintegration of all things is the work of Christ. He comes to restore to us the fallen image, to energize the dynamic of likeness, to renew all of creation, to proclaim the Kingdom, to open Paradise. St. Romanus the Melodist writes: "In Thee, O Christ, we see the doors of Eden thrown wide, for by Thy love Thou leadest us home." Metropolitan Kallistos writes: "Paradise is not merely a past reality lost through sin, but a future possibility, restored through Christ’s transfiguration of the cosmos."

In Christ the world is healed, sanctified, and the Church - His Body - is the epicenter of this transformation. Through the Mysteries of the Church we participate in the reconciliation and reintegration of the world, of spirit and matter, the communion of the divine and the created. Bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, showing clearly that matter is capable of bearing divine presence. So too: water and oil, wood and paint, sound, space - and above all human persons - can become grace-bearing in the life of the Church. In the Church the world is offered back to God in thanksgiving and it becomes a place of divine presence and encounter. Through our ascetic practice, prayer, and liturgy, the Church cultivates a way for us to see the world in the light of Christ, in anticipation of the Kingdom. This is the reason that Metropolitan Kallistos writes, "The Church is the entrance to Paradise, for here we receive the first fruits of deification and communion with God."

The Church calls us to communion with and in God. In the Church, in her sacred space, in the Holy Mysteries, we see the world transfigured, restored and glorified.

~ Fr. Andrew

Service Cancellation Policy
  • No one should travel to church for services if the road conditions are dangerous.
  • No services will be cancelled. Most services will be live streamed (links available here on the website).
  • Those who cannot get to services should instead stay home, watch the live stream of the service if possible, and be happy in the knowledge that a priest and a chanter are singing the services and praying for them.
  • Cancellation of services and activities will be posted here on our website:

    Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  (Galatians 6:2)

Cathedral Office UpdatePlease note that next week the Cathedral Office will be open on Wednesday, March 5, from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and Friday, March 7, from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.  On Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday, the Cathedral Office will be open during regular office hours (9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Thank you!

Schedule of ServicesServices listed below will be live streamed at

Monday, March 3
7:00 PM Great Canon

Tuesday, March 4
7:00 PM Great Canon

Wednesday, March 5
9:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy
(NO live stream)
7:00 PM Great Canon

March 6
7:00 PM Great Canon

Friday, March 7
9:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy
6:00 PM 6th Hour & Presanctified Liturgy

Saturday, March 8
10:00 AM Molieben to St. Theodore
5:00 PM Great Vespers

Sunday,March 9  37th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of Orthodoxy
7:45 AM Matins @ Cathedral
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy @ Cathedral

5:00 PM Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers @ Cathedral

If you missed any of the live streaming services you can go to the playlist to replay them by clicking here


NOTE: Elevators available at both the Cathedral and the Parish Center.

This Week's Events
Monday, March 3
Church Office Closed
7:30 AM Perohi: Set-up & food prep
9:00 AM Perohi Making

, March 4
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)
7:30 AM Perohi: Set-up & food prep
9:00 AM Perohi Making

Wednesday, March 5
Church Office Open

Thursday, March 6
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

, March 7
Church Office Open
(11 am-4:30 pm)

7:30 PM Saints Friday Night Lenten Dinner

Saturday, March 8
Church Office Closed

Sunday, March 9
11:00 AM Coffee Hour; Perohi Sales @ Parish Center
11:00 AM Church School @ Parish Center
3:00 PM Twin Cities YAL: Priest Q&A @ Parish Center
6:15 PM Fellowship Meal @ Parish Center


©2006-2025 St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral