St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral


Services are streaming live.
See the week's schedule below for links

Sunday, February 9: Sunday of the Prodigal Son

We who have sinned as the prodigal are encouraged to weed out despair and fear through repentance, confession and good deeds. (Synaxarion)

O wonder of it! No sooner did the prodigal son contemplate repentance than his father immediately reached out to him in love. He did not wait to hear the words of his son's confession, but accepted his entreaty; as it is written, Before they call, I will say, Lo I am here. He saw his son coming from afar, and he went to meet him. Without any ill will, the Lover of mankind anticipates the son's arrival. He did not wait for his son to come to him; rather he acted first, embracing and kissing him... For as soon as the Lord sees the fervency of a sinner's conversion and his wholehearted repentance and contrition, He accepts him, pours forth His clemency, runs to him, falls on his neck and kisses him… (The Gospel Commentary)

A far country! It is this unique definition of our human condition that we must assume and make ours as we begin our approach to God. A man who has never had that experience, be it only very briefly, who has never felt that he is exiled from God and from real life, will never understand what Christianity is about. And the one who is perfectly “at home” in this world and its life, who has never been wounded by the nostalgic desire for another Reality, will not understand what is repentance. (Fr. Alexander Schmemann)

~ Fr. Andrew

Service Cancellation Policy
  • No one should travel to church for services if the road conditions are dangerous.
  • No services will be cancelled. Most services will be live streamed (links available here on the website).
  • Those who cannot get to services should instead stay home, watch the live stream of the service if possible, and be happy in the knowledge that a priest and a chanter are singing the services and praying for them.
  • Cancellation of services and activities will be posted here on our website:

    Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  (Galatians 6:2)

Schedule of ServicesServices listed below will be live streamed at

Monday, February 17

Tuesday, February 18

Wednesday,February 19
6:15 PM Vespers @ Cathedral

February 20
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Friday,February 21

Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM Memorial Liturgy
5:00 PM Great Vespers

Sunday, February 23  35th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Last Judgment + Meatfare
7:45 AM Matins @ Cathedral
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy @ Cathedral

If you missed any of the live streaming services you can go to the playlist to replay them by clicking here


NOTE: Elevators available at both the Cathedral and the Parish Center.

This Week's Events
Monday, February 17
Church Office Closed
7:30 AM Perohi: Set-up & Food prep
9:00 AM Perohi Making

, February 18
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)
7:30 AM Perohi: Set-up & Food prep
9:00 AM Perohi Making

Wednesday, February 19
Church Office Open
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 20
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

, February 21
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

11:00 AM Parish Center Reserved

Saturday, February 22
Church Office Closed
8:00 AM Parish Center Reserved

Sunday, February 23
NO Church School @ Parish Center
11:00 AM Coffee & Light Refreshments @ Parish Center
11:00 AM Annual Meeting @ Parish Center


©2006-2025 St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral