St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral


Services are streaming live.
See the week's schedule below for links

Sunday, February 9: The Leavetaking of the Meeting of the Lord

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel. (Song of Simeon, Luke 2: 29-32)

February is often considered as 'Orthodox Youth Month’. And the feast of the Meeting of the Lord (February 2) is thus considered the feast of Orthodox Youth generally. It is, for example, the official feast day of SYNDESMOS (the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth). The SYNDESMOS website has a good collection of articles and resources by, for, and about the engagement and ministries of youth in the life of the Church:

At St. Mary's we pray by name for our church school children and parish through the month.

Those who are older are often dismissive of young people. Older people tend to see youth as impulsive, inexperienced, untested in life, unqualified, and yet exasperatingly opinionated and irritatingly passionate about some things. Even in the biblical Wisdom literature, youth and age are often contrasted in a way that is unfavorable to youth, although it is also acknowledged that age is no guarantor of wisdom!

We shouldn't, in general, despise anyone. And we certainly ought not to despise people who are exemplary in the things that matter, whatever their age. Younger people can actually be exemplary in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12). Older people, alas, might not be so much. Character matters. It is especially important to encourage, nurture, engage with our children, youth and young adults and not to dismiss or diminish them. In fact, it is an important task for parents and older adults, including church people, to harness that zeal and idealism and the desire to commit to something, to live according to a 'big idea', for Christ and His Church.

~ Fr. Andrew

Service Cancellation Policy
  • No one should travel to church for services if the road conditions are dangerous.
  • No services will be cancelled. Most services will be live streamed (links available here on the website).
  • Those who cannot get to services should instead stay home, watch the live stream of the service if possible, and be happy in the knowledge that a priest and a chanter are singing the services and praying for them.
  • Cancellation of services and activities will be posted here on our website:

    Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  (Galatians 6:2)

Schedule of ServicesServices listed below will be live streamed at

Monday, February 10
5:00-8:00 PM Peregrin Visitation @ Kozlak-Radulovich Funeral Chapel NE, 1918 University Ave NE
(no parastas)

Tuesday, February 11
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
10:00 AM Peregrin Visitation @ St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral
11:00 AM Peregrin Funeral @ Cathedral

Wednesday,February 12
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
6:15 PM Vespers @ Cathedral

February 13
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Friday,February 14

Saturday, February 15
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
5:00 PM Great Vespers

Sunday, February 16  34rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Prodigal Son + Parastas Sunday
7:45 AM Matins @ Cathedral
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy @ Cathedral
Parastas @ Cathedral
Protodeacon Peter & Mary Varian, Mildred Tinker Mattson, Peter Breuggman, Brian Mattson, Rick Mattson, John Aguilar, Sue Bourgerie, Diane Oakvik, Marge Wojciak, Phyllis Pesek, Lawrence Grivna, Ed Parr, Anna (Nazak), Yuri Rybochkin, Alexander Sigaev, Kira Vassilev, Alexei Navalny, and Alevtina Dubovtseva

2:00 PM Meddaugh/Kemper Wedding @ Cathedral

If you missed any of the live streaming services you can go to the playlist to replay them by clicking here


NOTE: Elevators available at both the Cathedral and the Parish Center.

This Week's Events
Monday, February 10
Church Office Closed
7:00 PM Board Meeting

, February 11
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

Wednesday, February 12
Church Office Open

Thursday, February 13
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

6:00 PM Orthodox Guys’ Night

, February 14
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

Saturday, February 15
Church Office Closed
11:00 AM Parish Center Reserved
2:15 PM Saints Volunteer (Feed My Starving Children)

Sunday, February 16
11:00 AM Church School @ Parish Center
11:00 AM Coffee Hour @ Parish Center
12:00 PM Catechism @ Cathedral's St. Andrew's Chapel


©2006-2025 St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral