Services are streaming live.
See the week's schedule below for links
March 23: Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross
The Cross is simultaneously an expression of man's inhumanity and God's immense love. The instrument of death is revealed as the tree of life, and the Lord's voluntary embrace of the Cross is the victory that opens the door to paradise.
In this morning's Epistle from Hebrews we heard that Jesus has experienced all that we experience and so understands our weaknesses and our temptations. He is compassionate. He voluntarily takes on betrayal, suffering, loneliness, humiliation, shame and death for us and for our salvation.
This is why the Cross is such an important part of our daily lives! St Cyril of Jerusalem, whose feast day we celebrated last week, writes in his instructions to catechumens:
"Let us not then be ashamed to confess the Crucified. We should boldly trace the cross with our fingers as a seal on our forehead and over everything: over the bread we eat, the cups we drink, when we come in and when we go out, before we go to sleep, when we go to bed and when we get up, on journeys, and at rest. It is a powerful protection; to suit the poor, it costs nothing; to suit the weak, it costs no labor, since it comes as a gift from God; it is a sign for the Faithful and a terror to demons. For 'in it he triumphed over them', 'openly making an example of them' (Col 2.15, adjusted). For when they see the cross, they remember the Crucifixion; they fear the one who crushed the dragon's heads (cf. Ps 73:14). Do not despise the seal because it is a free gift; no, honor the Benefactor all the more because of it."
By the power and protection of the Life-Giving Cross, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and save us! ~ Fr. Andrew
Service Cancellation Policy
- No one should travel to church for services if the road conditions are dangerous.
- No services will be cancelled. Most services will be live streamed (links available here on the website).
- Those who cannot get to services should instead stay home, watch the live stream of the service if possible, and be happy in the knowledge that a priest and a chanter are singing the services and praying for them.
- Cancellation of services and activities will be posted here on our website: www.stmarysoca.org
Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)
Schedule of ServicesServices listed below will be live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/StMarysOCAMinneapolis
Monday, March 24
6:15 PM Festal Vigil
(NO live stream)
Tuesday, March 25
9:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy
(NO live stream)
Wednesday, March 26
9:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy
(NO live stream)
6:15 PM Akathist & Confessions
(NO live stream)
Thursday, March 27
Friday, March 28
9:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy
(NO live stream)
6:00 PM 9th Hour & Presanctified Liturgy
Saturday, March 29
5:00 PM Great Vespers
Sunday, March 30 40th Sunday after Pentecost
St. John Climacus
7:45 AM Matins @ Cathedral
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy @ Cathedral
5:00 PM Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers @ Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Church, 601 7th Ave S., St. Cloud
If you missed any of the
live streaming services you can go to the playlist to replay them by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/c/StMarysOCAMinneapolis

NOTE: Elevators available at both the Cathedral and the Parish Center.
This Week's Events
Monday, March 24
Church Office Closed
Tuesday, March 25
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)
Wednesday, March
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30pm)
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, March 27
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)
7:30 PM Adult Bible Study (via Zoom)
Friday, March 28
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)
7:30 PM Saints Friday Night Lenten Dinner
Saturday, March 29
Church Office Closed
10:00 AM Sheep and Shepherds - EGGtravaganza Event
(Grades 1-5) & Seniors (60+)
Sunday, March 30
10:30 AM Coffee Hour & Perohi Sales @ Parish Center
11:00 AM Church School @ Parish Center