St. Mary's Cathedral Missions Committee now offers more opportunities to support Orthodox faithful in need throughout the world.
Through your kind and GENEROUS contributions, to the St. Mary’s Mission Fund, the Missions Committee has been able to provide financial support to well over 200 separate Orthodox Mission projects. Those you see here are just a very few.
Thank you for your support...for YOU make it possible!
Supported Projects |

- Juneau, Alaska (1971) The first St. Mary’s Cathedral Mission Project: Replace the furnace in both the church and the parish home.
- The Diocese of Alaska (2003) for the reprinting of “Faith of our Fathers”.
- Kodiak, Alaska (2000-) in support of the students and staff at St. Herman Seminary.

- Africa (1998-) The OCMC “Support A Mission Priest” program in Africa.
- (2005) the OCMC “Religious Books for Tanzania” program.

- San Pedro Sula, Honduras (1998) Collected blankets, clothes, household and personal care items to help those who lost everything in Hurricane Mitch.
- Guatamala City (2005)The Hogar Rafael Orphanage

- Russia (1996-) “Religious Books for Russia” Providing Religious Material throughout Russia.
- CIS (2001-) “The Institute for Bible Translation” in support of their work translating the Holy Scripture into more than 15 languages.
- Slovakia (2003-) In support of the church building project in Bardejovand the Seminary in Presov.
- Georgia (2005) To help “Georgian Charities” with the cost of shipping locally collected clothing and household goods to orphanages and nursing homes.

- Holy Cross Mission, St. Croix, WI. (1998-2001) In support of their Mission Church, the purchase of a church building and a baptismal font.
- Pella, Iowa (2002) In support of the Pella Orthodox Orthodox Outreach started by the Klein Family.
- Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church, Rochester, MN (2005) In support of their International Outreach Home.
- Holy Myrrh-Bearers Orthodox Mission, St. Cloud, MN (2003) To help defray the cost of their needs.
- St. Demetrius Orthodox Church, Naples, FL (2002) To help in the survival of their mission parish.
- South Carolina, Sts.Mary and Martha Monastery (2005) To help in the building of their monastery and chapel.

- Jerusalem, Israel (1999) In support of the external restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene

- Tiajuana, Mexico (1997-) Support of the St. Mary’s Project Mexico Teams and donations to the St. Innocent Orophanage.

- Romania (2002) OCMC Missionaries to Romania to run the Protection of the Theotokos Infant and Maternal Center.
- Grabarka, Poland (2005) In support of the Monastery of Sts. Martha and Mary and Bethany Home.

- Kona, Hawaii (2004) In support of the newly established Hawaiian Mission Church.