Camps and Retreats

Pan Orthodox Summer Camp

This camp is hosted by St. Mary's Greek Church and attracts around 260 youth and 77 staff.

Click here to see pictures from a past Camp.

Summer Camp 2011






Some Camp Staff:
Fr. Andrew,    Rebekah Moll,    Fr. Benjamin


Check times for when registration opens online... WWW.STMARYSCAMP.COM

  - Camp Fundraisers

  Contact:  Lisa Tucci and Scott Boris

  - Camp Coaching Staff Representatives from the Cathedral

Fr. Benjamin Tucci
Barb Neumann

  St. Mary's Teen Retreat in February

Held at the famous Stenach Cabin in the Northern Woods of Minnesota. 

For any additional information, please email Fr. Ben Tucci at [email protected]





©2006-2015 St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral